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*Practice begins in June 2025. Typically Mon, Wed & Thu from 6 – 8 pm @ Clear Creek Elementary School

Wait List Athletes

Waitlists are implemented once rosters reach a predetermined limit, not necessarily the max allowed by the league.

Wait listed athlete’s parent/guardian can still link to the TeamSnap App and communicate with the age group staff via the chat and email available

Athletes are not required to pay any fees or participate in any fundraisers while on the waitlist. They are encouraged to attend camps, practices, and other team events in order to be prepared to move to the active roster.

Athletes on the waitlist are not restricted from going to any other organization if they so choose but will be removed from the waitlist if they do so.

Head Coaches are responsible for moving kids from the waitlist to their active rosters.

Once a roster is locked, if there are any athletes still on the waitlist they will be notified.

Any CTX Chiefs practice attire received while on the waitlist is the athletes to keep, no equipment is issued to athletes on the waitlist. Wait listed athlete’s parent/guardian can still link to the Sports Engine App and communicate with the age group staff via the chat and email available